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Leading the Way with Sustainability

We are proud to support Mercedes-Benz Sunshine Coast with their Leading the Way with Sustainability event. Please find event description below:

Leading the way with sustainability - Invitation Only

Benefits on culture, community and the bottom line in 2021

Understand the commercial benefits of adapting sustainable practices and how your consumers will expect you to conduct business in a sustainable way in 2021 and beyond.  We will unpack new industries that emerge within this arena and opportunities for economic benefit within our region.

You will hear from sustainability champions on how their actions have positively impacted their team culture, community influence and bottom line. 

  • Bob & Chris Cameron of Rockcote

  • Cyndi O’Meara of Changing Habits

  • Andrew Laing of Mercedes-Benz Sunshine Coast; and,

  • Paul Fisher, Regional Development Australia (Sunshine Coast)

* If restrictions change, ticket purchasers will receive a refund.
* Please do not attend the event if you have COVID-19 symptoms. We advise you stay at home if unwell or have a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath. Your ticket will be transferable to another person.
* Please be responsible and maintain social distancing with others.
* If you start to feel unwell during the event, please let a staff member know.

17 November

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